Wednesday, September 12, 2012

What should you do if there are Bed Bug on your mattress?

Having Bed Bugs in your room and on your mattress can be a nightmare!

Unlike ants, bed bugs bite you without you realizing it at all. Sometimes, when you wake up to check the bites, they are simply out of your sight!

I have experienced that nightmare and initially, I was very lazy to get rid of it. Eventually, I got irritated by it and decided to do my best to get rid of it once and for all.

Here are some of the common areas you should take note of when getting rid of Bed Bugs:

Some of the common areas that Bed Bugs tend to hide are shown in the picture. If you use Ant Ban, it will work wonders as Ant Ban is odourless, colourless and greaseless. Just keep applying and you will notice that the Bed Bugs will slowly die off. Most importantly, it is to get rid of the eggs before it hatch.

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